Newsletter | 10th June 2022

Platinum Jubilee celebrations continued at SRS this week – bunting, fish and chips and music from the last 70 years are just some of the ways in which we have celebrated the Queen’s reign. Look out for photos below and on our social media platforms! SRS social media was also buzzing this week with the updates from our Year 6 residential trip to Kingswood, Kent. All our Year 6 students who took part had an absolutely fantastic time on the three-night trip and were a credit to themselves, their families and our school. Congratulations Year 6! Huge thanks to the staff who accompanied them and made it such a special experience for them all. We have seen another week of GCSE and A Level exams this week – the students are all coping incredibly well and should be proud of how they are handling what can be a very intense time. You’re over the half-way mark now, keep going! Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Mrs Cross Access the full newsletter here